Meaning: complete, parity
In today`s world we strive towards that which feels pleasant, that which is familiar and therefore gives a sense of security. Yoga is not about pleasantness and security nor is it not about these things. Yoga is both at once. The practitioner`s direct experience very well may be pleasant or unpleasant in a particular asana. Yet does that simply give the practioner information about himself. It is neither about denying nor enhancing the direct experience in relevance and meaning. It is fully about self exploration and self study. Although we work primarily with the body it functions as a gateway to the higher aspects of the Self. If it is Truth we seek, then its path is not always a pleasant one. The path to completeness can not only be through familiar territory in pure pleasantness. To seek for these traits is in itself nothing but incomplete and devided.
Meaning: unity
For spiritual inclined unity can mean unity with ones creator. For others, less fond of spiritual teachings, this will mean unity with the I you identify with. The observer who witnesses external but especially internal change. Therefore this I must be something untouched by change, something constant over time. Some might call this I also the soul. In particular in Iyengar Yoga to align yourself with this constant, with your soul or creator if you wish, is done by penetrating through the 5 layers of being, the Koshas. The most outer Kosha being your physical body. Therefore the focus lays on the practical path of the ashtanga, namely Asana. The body is seen as a vessel in which the Life source, the Prana, can only flow properly, when it is kept healthy and functional. Once a certain agility, stability, mobility, flexibility combined with a sense of effortlessness is attained in the practice of Yogaasana, then the practitioner is ready for the practice of breathing technics, Pranayama. The meaning of it containing its aim; to expand, yama, the Lifesource, the Prana, within. Yoga is a tool and its paths Asana and Pranayama the practical aspect of this deep and wide Philosophy. It is a tool you may use on yourself, with yourself and by yourself to explore the full potential within you. At the very least it will enhance your physical awareness of your own body.
About me
completed and current training
2018 – 2021
Advanced Studies Mentorship- Programm with Sn. Iyengar Teacher Billy Konrad
2021 – 2022
Advanced Studies II with Sn. Teacher Billy Konrad
2021 – 2024
Syntropy of Yoga with Dr. Tobias Lotan & Sn. Teacher Billy Konrad
2015 – 2019
Weiterbildungen & Workshops
mit Eyal Shifroni, Willfrid Sichel, Karin Katthab
2015 – aktuell
Weiterbildungen & Workshops mit Sn Teacher Billy Konrad
As an ambitious teen i strived for a sports career. After an injury i could not keep up the performance which was required for the top level sports. It remained a hobby untill i walked into a Iyengar Yoga Class.
Immediately fascinated by the art i started attending regular classes. After only a short time period of regular practice I noticed an improvement in the joints which suffered the impacted of the injury. I had more functional strength and mobility. The cast i usually always needed to rely on in games, turned out to be obsolete.
Stunned by this I ended the teamsport and started to invest more and more time in Yoga. Not only did it have positive effects on my body but also on my emotional and psychological landscape.
I know of the benefits that practicing Yogaasana and Pranayama can have, since I have witnessed those benefits first and foremost within myself.
Yoga is one of many instruments aviable to help live up to ones own full potential. If you are looking for a way to unfold your full potential and Yoga seems the way for you, then I gladely can support you during the lessons by serving you as a guide. With regular dedication towards your own practice you will attain benefits as a natural consequence of your commitment.